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Providing Translation Suggestions
As a translator, you can suggest one or several (new) foreign-language equivalent(s) for an existing entry. In quickTerm this is known as a Translation suggestion .
To provide a translation suggestion:
Search for the entry in quickTerm that you want to provide a translation suggestion for.
Click on the Suggest translation button.
The Suggest translation dialog box appears.
Select the desired target language from the list. The list only contains the languages to which you have access rights and for which there is not a foreign-language equivalent. Depending on the configuration, it is either permitted or forbidden for you to provide translation suggestions for entries that already have a translation. In this case a warning message appears if the foreign-language equivalent has already been approved; select OK, then you will receive a message confirming that the approval process has been restarted.
Enter the details of the translation suggestion. If you want to suggest more than one term, use the Add new term button (e.g. for synonyms).
Define the priority and edit the custom field (auto fill or enter manually), where applicable.
If you want to initiate the approval process for the approver responsible, click on the Start approval task checkbox. This option is not available if your language is defined as one that absolutely must be approved or does not need approval. In the event of the former, your suggestion will be automatically sent for approval, or for the latter, it will be granted approval immediately. Translation suggestions that are sent for approval are always cascaded, as the main approver is also the final approver.
Click on the paper clip icon if you want to attach a file.
Under the task assignment, define the Assigned main translator group. If you select <none> here, you can then Save and finalize the translation suggestion. If you select a main translator group, instead of the Save and finalize button the Send to main button appears. By clicking on it, the translation suggestion is forwarded to the main translator group. The buttons Cancel and Save without finalizing are also available for you to select.
Clicking on Save and finalize initiates the following:
quickTerm enters your translation suggestion in the termbase.
quickTerm starts the approval process, if required.
If you enter a translation suggestion for an entry that was also a translation request from the terminologist, you will be notified of this and can thus close the translation request at the same time.
Approvers for target languages
Target-language approval only works if at least one approver group is defined for each language. quickTerm will therefore notify you of an error, both in group configuration and when sending an approval task, if an approver group has not been assigned. You can forward this error to the administrator.
Glossary entry: Translation Suggestion
A translator can suggest a (new) foreign-language equivalent for an existing entry. This is referred to as a translation suggestion.