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Translation Request
"Request translation" dialog
By clicking on the "Request translation" button, you can request the translation of a term in a specific language and also submit a translation suggestion if you wish.
Select a title for your translation request by choosing one of the existing terms.
Select the Target language into which it is to be translated.
Depending on your group configuration, you can only file a translation request in a language which is not yet contained in the entry, or you can file alternative translation requests, even though the entry already has a term in that language (see Configuration - General Group Settings).
If you want to submit a "translation suggestion" along with your request, then select the corresponding check box. This will expand the entry tree, showing you the fields you have access to. You can fill in the appropriate fields for your suggestion.
This option is only available if your user has field access rights to the language in question.
You can also enter your own "Comment".
Then click on "Send".
The translation request is created. The terminologist will action the request.