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Editing a Task
Editing a task
To edit the task proceed as follows:
Select the task from the list.
Click on "Open" to open the details about the edit task.
The "Edit task" dialog box appears.
Enter additional information in the fields displayed in red. The other fields contain information that either the terminologist has already added to the termbase or the requester has entered in the term request.
You can add new terms to an entry with the  Icon_Neue Benennung einfügen icon.
You can delete terms from an entry with the  Icon_Benennung entfernen icon.
You can delete the content of a field with the  Icon Feld löschen icon.
If you want to close the task later, you can do so by clicking "Finish later".
If you want to close the task later, you can do so by clicking "Finish later". Otherwise, click on "Finalize".
The information you have entered is saved and shown in the overview. Your approval is automatically granted for this entry.
Changing edit tasks that have already been approved
If the edit task should be assigned to several groups and some groups have already voted, these votes are deleted and the edit task is presented again for approval.
Attachments added to an edit task will not be written to the termbase. However, you can always retrieve them again via the edit task itself.
"Edit task" dialog
Voting on changes made by other users
Voting procedure
The voting procedure to be used within a group (e.g., First win) is defined for the individual groups during configuration. If a voting procedure is not defined, the buttons described here will not be available.
To approve or reject the additional information provided by your colleagues: Select the relevant entry from the list and then click the desired button:
"Approve changes"
By clicking this button you are accepting the changes.
"Reject change"
By clicking this button you are rejecting the changes. In this case you should also enter a comment or provide additional information.
"Abstain from voting"
If you "do not mind", you can register this by clicking this button.
Your approval, rejection or abstention from voting will be saved, and the task will be hidden from the "Assigned tasks" list.
Voting only possible after edit
You can only vote on an edit task once information was added to the entry.